
Episode 99:

Nintendo Strikes Out

Runtime: 76 Minutes

We look back at the Virtual Boy, a tabletop portable video game console released by Nintendo in July 1995. As part of our discussion, we'll look at the history of the technology that went into creating it. We'll also talk about how it came to Nintendo, and how the console changed throughout the development process. Finally, we'll look again at the legacy of its creator, Gunpei Yokoi, and talk about how this system fits perfectly as part of his design philosophy, which is still a part of Nintendo today.

Virtual Boy


Wikipedia Article:

  Wikipedia - Virtual Boy

Additional Sources:

Wikipedia Article:

  Wikipedia - List of Virtual Boy Games

Wikipedia Article:

  Wikipedia - Gunpei Yokoi

Wikipedia Article:

  Wikipedia - Jack Bros.

Wikipedia Article:

  Wikipedia - Mario Clash

Virtual Boy History Article:

  Unraveling The Enigma Of Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, 20 Years Later

Virtual Boy Games Video:

  All Nintendo Virtual Boy Games List A to Z

Video Game Critic Review :

  The Video Game Critic Presents the Virtual Boy

Nerd Bacon Review:

  Nintendo Virtual Boy

Ebay Natho-580 Review:

  Nattho-580 Ebay Profile

Audio Sources:

Cold Open Music:

Comfortable Mystery by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3531-comfortable-mystery

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Podcast Intro Music:

Open Those Bright Eyes by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4171-open-those-bright-eyes

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/