
Episode 64:

Kick. Punch. Its All In The Mind.

Runtime: 53 Minutes

We look back at Parappa the Rapper, originally released for the original PlayStation on November 17, 1997 to North American gamers. We travel back to the early careers of co-creators, Masaya Matsurra and Rodney Alan Greenblatt to tell the story of how PaRappa came to be. As part of our story, we'll look back at the Pippin Atmark gaming console, and top-secret Sony gaming team, Division Zero. We'll talk about PaRappa's brief stint as Sony's mascot right before we talk about our own experiences with the game. Join us for a rhythmic trip down Memory Card Lane.

PaRappa the Rappa


PaRappa the Rappa Cover Art:

  Wikipedia - PaRappa the Rappa Cover Art

Additional Sources:

Rodney Alan Greenblat Website:


Rodney Alan Greenblat Wiki:

  PaRappa the Rapper Fandom - Rodney Alan Greenblat

Dazzeloids Wiki:

  Pippin Fandom - Dazzeloids

Pippin Atmark Wiki:

  Pippin Fandom - Pippin Atmark

Wikipedia - Masaya Matsuura:

  Wikipedia - Masaya Matsuura

Wikipedia - Psy-S:

  Wikipedia - Psy-S

YouTube - PSY・S - Teenage [PV] (1985):

  YouTube - PSY・S - Teenage [PV] (1985)

The Untold Story of PaRappa the Rapper:

  Playstation Blog - The Untold Story of PaRappa the Rapper

Interview with Rodney Greenblatt

  Interview: Rodney Greenblat, The Mother Of Sony's Almost Mario

PaRappa The Rapper Review:

  GameSpot - PaRappa The Rapper Review

Parappa The Rapper:

  IGN - Parappa The Rapper

Audio Sources:

Cold Open Music:

Comfortable Mystery by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3531-comfortable-mystery

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Podcast Intro Music:

Open Those Bright Eyes by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4171-open-those-bright-eyes

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/