Episode 2

Episode 2:

Never Walk Away

Runtime: 64 Minutes

Dave and Rob look back fondly at 1997's Final Fantasy VII before stumbling across one gamer's horror story about walking away from their PlayStation without a Memory Card. They reminisce about 2002's Battlefield 1942 before debating one Amazon review that claims to use it as an educational tool for their children. Finally, they revisit 2004's Burnout 3: Takedown as a tool that one Reddit user claims is the best game to vent his aggression. Do we agree? Find out on today's trip down Memory Card Lane.

Final Fantasy VII

Segment Notes:

Final Fantasy VII Cover Art:

  Moby Games - Final Fantasy VII Covers

Guide and Walkthrough by Absolute Steve:

  GAMEFAQS.com - Final Fantasy VII

Reddit comment by /u/devilashe:

  /r/FinalFantasy - Memories of VII

The year is 2002 and I'm an anti-social 14 year old nerd girl. I'm super late to the FFVII party but it's taken over my life for the past months as it's the first JRPG I've ever played. I've been grinding non-stop to get to a level where I can even entertain the Ruby weapon and still I've been defeated 40 times over. Currently I'm embroiled in a fierce, 20 minutes long battle thanks to one-hit KO that missed 2 of my party. A few more rounds and I know I will destroy this mother fucker, I can taste victory. Mum and Dad have been yelling at me to go to bed for 15 minutes and have started threatening me with getting rid of "the Nintendo". I concede and I pause the game, carefully roll the controller up so the cord won't be pressing any buttons and tilt place it, in front of the console so that no one will see the glow of the ON button. Nothing is out of place, no one has any reason to go near or touch the PS1. I'll get up early tomorrow and wipe the floor with the Ruby weapon. Tomorrow comes and I quietly race down the stairs to the PS. Everything is perfectly as I left it. All but one thing. The light is off. The fucking light is off. What the actual fuck. No one has touched it, they would have moved the controller to press the power button. I look around, no clocks are reset, there wasn't a power outage. I look at the power point. The fucking power cord, which is always plugged in the right, half crushed behind the TV cabinet is now plugged on the left out in the open. WTAF. I turn the PS1 on in hopes maybe it's just in some magic sleep mode that doesn't exist and it will load my game back to where I was. It obviously doesn't. I am in a tiny glass cage of emotions. My mum's already left for work at 4am and my Dad gets up soon. I carefully construct in my head how to casually ask if someone changed the plugs around without it raising too many questions. Dad goes to the sitting room to put his shoes on, habitually, this is the first thing he does every single morning. Fuck it. I go in and I straight up ask Dad if anyone switched the plug around. He says "No, why?" - I lie and said the power cord doesn't work anymore. He kind of shrugs and continues doing his thing. It's 7AM now - too early to call my Mum up to ask about it because it will end with a full on rant as to how obsessed with the game I am and she will threaten to throw it out. I have to leave for school by 8:30AM and I calculate that the best time is 8.20 and it will be coffee time and my Mum won't have a lot of time to talk/yell. The time comes, I make the call. I ask my technologically incapable mother and I all I get is a "Yeah I had to plug the vaccum in. I gotta go, bye". The vaccum. The mother fucking vacuum. The vacuum that could have been plugged in on the left of the powerpoint. It was 10PM when I went to bed, why was she vaccuming? I didn't hear any vaccums? Why doesn't my Dad know that she vaccumed? I want to pursue all these lines of questioning, but I know it won't end well for me. I sit there for ten minutes quietly, staring at the console almost in a state of mourning, and yanked back into the reality of my Dad yelling at me to go to the bus stop. At this time, I don't even know it will be another 3 weeks of levelling before I am strong enough to beat Ruby properly... I'm 32 now and this has stuck with me all this time.

Reddit comment by /u/goddessofanubis:

  /r/FinalFantasyVII - Playing FF7R is Still Sureal

I played the original with my best friend and brother, taking turns grinding and looking up guides on our shitty internet. I remember how terrified I was when I followed the trail of blood to President Shinra the first time (dat music still gives me chills). The original helped me through a tough time, where I needed something to focus my attention on while at the lowest lows of my depressive episodes. And being alive to play the remake, finally, after seeing the tech demo so long ago is still amazing to me. I'm grinding away on Hard Mode to get my Materia leveled up and beat the last couple of Battle Sims for Chadley but I still can't believe this game is real. And I'm actually determined to be around for the last episode and see this thing to it's end.

Battlefield 1942 Cover Art

Segment Notes:

Battlefield 1942 Cover Art:

  Battlefield 1942 Now Free On Origin

Whoopz.tv -- Battlefield 1942: 15 Years Past:

  Battlefield 1942: 15 Years Past

Battlefield Stunts Reel on YouTube:

  Shacknews BattleField 1942 Stunts Reel - YouTube.Com

Another Battlefield Stunts Reel:

  Battlefield 1942 Death Stunts 1.5 - YouTube.Com

Amazon Reviews:

  Battlefield 1942: The Complete Collection - PC
Burnout 3 Cover Art

Segment Notes:

Burnout 3: Takedown Cover Art:

  Do You Remember How Lit The Burnout 3 Soundtrack Was?

reddit comment by /u/SamuelEnderby:

  /r/Games - Why Burnout 3 Is Still the Most Perfect Arcade Racer Ever

Burnout 3 is the only game I can fire up to vent aggression. There is always this argument that traditionally violent games are great for that but not for me. Even playing Doom I get too into the game, finding secrets, managing health.. The "violence" is just window dressing. Which has its own appeal, don't get me wrong! It just doesn't translate to feeling violent at all. Balling your fists, wanting to smash something... Nothing compares to the feeling of impact and force of take-downs in Burnout 3! re: Revenge: traffic checking was hilarious at first but it also removed a lot of the danger and thrill. Still an amazing game. Incredible technical achievement as well.

reddit comment by /u/Baryn

  /r/Games - Why Burnout 3 Is Still the Most Perfect Arcade Racer Ever

I felt like the junctions were more of a puzzle.
It was definitely a cooler-named Puzzle Mode..

Burnout 3: Takedown OST Soundtrack:

  Burnout 3 OST Soundtrack

Opening Music:

Final Fantasy VII - Opening Theme (YouTube Version) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8NGDsnv34M

Podcast Intro Music:

Open Those Bright Eyes by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4171-open-those-bright-eyes
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Applause Sound:

Applause 2 - Freesound.org Link: https://freesound.org/s/277021/
License: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/